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Hey! Sweet game! A few of the jump scares should last a second or two longer. I was moving my camera and didn't see a couple of them because it flashed so quickly. Other than that, awesome job!


     Thank you for the feedback! I've been away from solo game dev for a while but I'm trying to make a come-back. I remastered this game and I'm re-releasing it tomorrow, incase you wanna check out the re-master! I haven't done much apart from just improving the graphics by a little bit because I'm actually starting a game studio with a couple of my buddies, we're calling ourselves "Arkatia" games. So yeah- Im reviving the Ghost Hunt name into a full fledged story based cinematic horror which will release on steam next year, but for now, I just wanted to get something out here hence, releasing a remaster of this game- Im open to suggestions and all and all kinds of support is appreciated! Thank you so much! 



I'm a horror game veteran, but I haven't finished this one yet; it's THAT damn scary and I had to take a break.  Can't wait to tremble and scream my way through the rest of it!

Howdy! I'm sorry for not responding to your comment for so long... Well, my mental health is absolute shit and I had logged out... Your review does mean alot to me and it might get me back into game development again... Im not sure though... Anyways, Im glad you liked my game... Thanks for playing!


Did it on stream and it was soooo much fun! The monsters are cringe and sooo scary haha. Some jumpscares got me soooo bad. Thanks for this spoooooky experience! It's the third game and starts @ 47:50

My friends and I played this for a Random Horror Game video! Fantastic Job!

Thanks :) Try out "The Shrine" by me as well! Its a walking sim horror game demo!!


Hi bro!! i got a problem with the game, i got 2 monitors and the game opens in the wrong display .. there is a way to play windowed mode? 


Open the properties of the game, and add "-windowed" to the location at the end, hopefully that works:)

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Bro...I knew it was scary and I'm no stranger to scary games I never jump during a game...but let me tell you, the jumpscares in this game WILL get you. This game is at the place where I'd forget about formalities and burn the house down over that thing! Awesome job with the game! I was not expecting to be hunted in this game, but I was and it was by the monster itself. If this is how good your games are, hopefully I'm around to find your next one!

Thanks buddy!! 

I really appreciate it. I'm glad you liked my game!! 


Man, this game is CRAZY! It’s so scary I think I have to take a vacation now lol creepiest 40 mins of my life!!! 

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Glad I'm not the only one who reacted remotely similar to your reaction! XD

Thanks for playing Ghost Hunt :) 

I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!

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I'll give it a shot tonight. I didn't realize I would ever be hunted so I'm curious! ;)

Update: I will say that I did have to search for a decent rar extractor. NCH software is a good software that I would personally go for. I completely forgot about them until I found their version. It's not nighttime yet, so I'm not playing it until then. 

Sure :) 

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I’m gonna have to wait. I started feeling awful earlier today, hope it’s not covid, so it’ll stay on my computer until I can play it. Update: Guess it was a false alarm, maybe it was a stomach flu or something. It was gone by the time I got up this morning.


Hey , Very good game, here is my gameplay, graphic is good and creepy atmosphere, And i recommend the game , I support you for your future project, enjoy;)  


Thank you so much 😊. Could you please help share the game with more people? It's hard getting a game seen for an indie :(. And I'm glad you liked the game :)
